
How To Use


Your Guide to Discover our Incredible Real Deals Everyday.

  1. If a Deal interests you, click on “View Deal” to view more highlights and details that will tell you all about its inclusions and offers.
  2. The conditions will inform you all of the validity, booking requirements and other details about the deal.
  3. Once you have made up your mind, simply click on the “Add To Cart”.
  4. You can choose to “Continue Shopping” and add other great deals to your cart or click on “Proceed To Checkout” and proceed to make the payment process.
  5. You can either Checkout as a “Guest” without registering on the website or we recommend that you create an account so you can save your address and all your orders in one place for future reference and for faster checkouts.
  6. Fill up your Billing Address and Contact Details
  7. Check your cart and click on “CHECKOUT” and choose your preferred payment method.
  8. Once you have selected your method of payment, you will be directed to the secured payment site to complete your payment.
  9. After having made the payment, you will receive a confirmation of your purchase order voucher & your coupon code(s) in your email inbox as well as your order being in the “My Account” Orders section of the website.
  10. When you want to redeem your purchased voucher, simply go to the merchant(s) and present to them the coupon code which sent to your email on your mobile device or if you prefer from a printed copy and they will be happy to provide the incredible deal for you.


Enjoy your Dealat City